our team

This blog originally started out as a project for one of Kevin Stuckey’s classes at the University of Maine in September of 2012.  It transformed into a platform that allowed him to get his ideas out about Apple.  Over the course of the next year, it continued to grow to become something larger.  Using MacHash and other Apple blogs as inspiration, Kevin decided to turn this into a blog people trusted and wanted to go to in order to get their daily Apple information.  This blog has evolved from a simple college project into an Apple blog that shares the latest news, tips and rumors for current and future iOS devices.

This blog contains helpful information to iOS device users about Apple with tips on how to use their devices efficiently, what Apple will likely release in the upcoming year, ways for their device to become more integrated and helpful in their lives and opinion articles about Apple. The blog is updated daily as new rumors, news and tips come out.

To stay informed about posts on the blog, subscribe with your email on the front page, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.

