iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C Tech Specs

UPDATE: 3:00pm, September 10: The tech specs below have been updated to the beautiful new iPhones that Apple has announced at their event earlier today.  This post will be moved relatively soon to a new page featuring iPhone and iPad comparisons.  Until then, see the specs below. Also, if you tweet or share this post, it…

iPhone 5S Home Button and Packaging Pictures

Tweet or Share this post to enter in the September 2013 contest to win a $20 iTunes gift card or $20 Google play gift card, a universal armband, a month subscription to Hulu plus and one more surprise!  Tweet about it by tagging @idevicegeekblog or share on your social network and email me at idevicegeekblog@gmail.com…

Upgrade to iPhone 5S

The iPhone 5S is set to be announced, according to almost every rumor, on September 10.  Within a week or two after, the iPhone should be released as well.  Now is the time that Apple consumers shouldstart cleaning their iPhones and preparing them to be sold so they can upgrade to the best iPhone ever.…

August Contest Updates

Hey! The contest is still going on and I’ve realized that an iPhone 4/4S USB charger may be out of date. Many people have upgraded to the beautiful iPhone 5 or are going to update to the iPhone 5S or iPhone 5C and see no reason to get a new charger for their current phone.…